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Overcome Insomnia, Stress and Mood Swings During Perimenopause and Menopause

Dr. Carrie Jones

We all know stress is toxic, but how does it really impact your body in perimenopause and menopause? Dr. Carrie Jones will shed light on how you can leverage stress-reducing practices to get better sleep and improve your mood and energy.

Look Ten Years Younger with Non-invasive Anti-Aging Tips

Dr. Tony Youn

Dr. Tony Youn shares his best natural and effective tips to maintain a glowing complexion and healthy heair through menopause and beyond—without invasive surgery.

How to Naturally Heal from Pelvic Pain and Leakage

Isa Herrera

Get practical tips from America’s top pelvic healer to help you stop leaks, eliminate pelvic pain, and heal prolapse. Isa shares key exercises and tips to help you heal naturally and safely, in the comfort of your own home.

The Most Common Causes of Hormonal Related Conditions and Infertility

Dr. Elena Villanueva

Hormone imbalances wreak havoc on your whole body, but with Dr. Ellena’s tips, you can restore balance safely and naturally! Learn the biggest hormone culprits, how you can test what’s going on in your body, and ways to heal naturally.

How Declining Hormones Change Women’s Metabolism and Mood

Maria Claps and Kristen Johnson

As your hormones change, so do your nutritional needs. Maria and Kristen share the biggest things most women are missing from their diet and how you can relieve your symptoms with a few key changes.

Using Tryptophan and GABA as Your Secret Solution Against Anxiety, Fatigue and Insomnia

Trudy Scott

Anxiety, cravings, exhaustion, insomnia, and emotional eating don’t have to be your new normal. Trudy will share about two secret weapons to restore balance to key brain chemicals so you can feel more energized, sleep better, and have more mental stability in no time!

How to End Emotional Eating Now

Tricia Nelson

Emotional eating can creep up on the best of us, sabotaging our best-laid plans for healthy eating! Join Tricia Nelson today to learn how to anticipate emotional eating and what you can do to take back your power and live your best life!

Why Addressing the Gut, Thyroid and Adrenals Is Key for Menopause

Christa Orecchio

Your biggest symptoms are caused by disruptions in the delicate relationship between your gut, thyroid, and adrenals. Christa shares how to give these key systems the support they need so you can lose weight and feel more energized immediately!

The 3 Food Mistakes 68% of Women Are Making That Cause Fatigue, Weight-Gain, and Even Anxiety

Stu Schaefer

Listen in as Stu Schaefer shares how food choices affect your hormonal health, leading to unexplained weight gain, anxiety, and fatigue. Learn how to adjust your plate to support your best life and vitality!

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